Behavior recognition is already starting to move towards some scenarios, although it needs to be more sophisticated technically.
According to the "2019-2024 Research Report on China's Machine Vision Industry Prospects and Investment Opportunities" released by the China Business Industry Research Institute, the scale of China's machine vision market exceeded 10 billion yuan for the first time in 2018; , the machine vision market will further expand,It is estimated that the machine vision market will reach nearly 12.5 billion yuan in 2019.
It is true that the market size of the CV (machine vision) industry is not small and profitable, but when technology products mature and start to be applied, how to eat this cake has become the biggest problem faced by many CV startups. . At the same time, continuous losses and profit pressure are also urging every CV company to “run”.
趨視科技并不屬于CV領(lǐng)域最知名的行業(yè),然而它們卻在落地應用和盈利上先人一步,其公司創(chuàng )始人徐飆表示:"If 90% of companies in the industry are losing money, we belong to the other 10%."
how do they do it
Figure | Xu Biao, founder of Truthvision Technology
CV not only has face recognition, but also behavior analysis
When it comes to CV, attention and topics are often concentrated in the field of face recognition. SenseTime, Megvii, etc. are the focus of attention both inside and outside the industry, but CV is not equivalent to face recognition, it also includes behavior recognition. Xu Biao introduced that since its establishment, Truthvision Technology has always aimed at behavior recognition.
“行為識別就是識別人類(lèi)或者車(chē)的行為,Such as people's fighting behavior, car running red light behavior and so on. Although both belong to machine vision, face recognition and behavior recognition are two technologies and different fields. "
At the technical level, face recognition can be completed through a photo, while behavior recognition needs to be judged by combining continuous data, because behavior itself is a continuous and dynamic short,Face recognition solves the problem of who the target is, and behavior solves what kind of thing.At present, behavior recognition is often used in judicial management, smart stores,intelligent
Xu Biao told us: "There are many fields where behavior recognition is applicable, but because the technology is not mature enough, it is difficult for behavior recognition technology to play a very good role in the face of too complex and non-standard scenes. Therefore, this technology can only It is first applied in some vertical scenarios, and gradually accumulated and improved in the process of application, so as to expand to more scenarios, and finally meet the requirements of human behavior cognition in a large range."
So what are the technical difficulties of behavior recognition?
Since behavior is diverse, it includes individual behavior and group behavior, and each behavior is expressed in different ways. For example, fighting and stealing, fighting between individuals and fighting between groups are completely different.Therefore, behavior recognition faces great difficulties at the data collection level, which mainly involve problems such as occlusion and dislocation.
At the same time, the angle of human viewing the world is three-dimensional, and the picture captured by the camera is two-dimensional, so there will be a person in the video showing an arm, but because the distance parameter cannot be collected in the video,所以遮擋、錯位的現象會(huì )讓AI算法難以判斷。
“這需要碰撞。有些時(shí)候沒(méi)有人會(huì )告訴你他的需求和對準確度的要求是什么,企業(yè)往往需要通過(guò)試點(diǎn)、交流、反饋、修正......逐步形成一個(gè)行業(yè)共識,而并非單個(gè)客戶(hù)的需求。”
但即便把握了用戶(hù)需求和性能指標并不足夠,企業(yè)還要評估自身的技術(shù)體系、優(yōu)勢能否滿(mǎn)足用戶(hù)的需求和指標。最后企業(yè)還要考慮實(shí)現規模化之后,是否會(huì )被競品取代,這要求其必須在技術(shù)落地應用過(guò)程中打造自身的技術(shù)門(mén)檻,如此廠(chǎng)商們才能率先占領(lǐng)市場(chǎng),并在后續的競爭中獲勝。
回到趨視科技自身,徐飆談道:“公司明年的短期計劃,一方面是確保在司法行業(yè)實(shí)現規模化,創(chuàng )造更多的收益;同時(shí)也會(huì )將技術(shù)落地到智慧門(mén)店場(chǎng)景。小規模化帶給我們盈利,也驗證了技術(shù)已經(jīng)達到可復制狀態(tài),所以我們將會(huì )向更大的市場(chǎng)進(jìn)行布局。”
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